• Based in West Sussex
  • 39 The Market, Ground
    Floor, Wrythe Lane,
    Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1AG

  • info@foodforwardconsultancy

Risk Assessment & Training

Undertaking thorough risk assessments and providing comprehensive training are not only essential components of a well-rounded food safety strategy, but they also serve as the foundation for ensuring the utmost protection for your workforce. In fact, it is imperative that as a business owner, you not only recognize their importance but also understand that they are a legal obligation. By diligently conducting risk assessments, you demonstrate your commitment to identifying potential hazards and implementing adequate control measures to mitigate any risks.

Food Forward Consultancy can help you with your queries.

Our consultants will guide you on how to comply with food safety.

We aim to improve the food safety culture on your site.

Our consultants can provide guidance on adapt your operations costeffectively.

Furthermore, by providing comprehensive training programs that align with the identified risks within your organisation, you equip your staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate potential hazards effectively. This empowers them to respond appropriately in emergency situations while actively contributing to maintaining a safe working environment.

In summary, embracing the importance of risk assessment and training not only fulfils legal obligations but also demonstrates responsible leadership. By investing time and resources into these crucial processes, you establish an environment where food safety concerns are addressed proactively while fostering trust among stakeholders.